4 Best Potato Varieties To Grow in Your Garden

4 Best Potato Varieties To Grow in Your Garden

Potatoes are among the best options to sell at any farmer’s market. Consumers will buy a variety of potatoes to cook and eat, and it’s in your best interest to provide the best varieties straight from your garden. Here are some of the best varieties of potatoes to grow in your garden to wow customers and encourage them to revisit your stand for more.

Rio Grande Russet

Russet potatoes are some of the most common types in grocery stores and vegetable stands. But a great variety to grow in your garden is Rio Grande russets. This variety of russet potatoes has a higher yield with great scab resistance, giving your crops a uniform appearance.

The smooth skin and moist flesh create a great-tasting dish that pairs well with salads or as a side when mashed and buttered. Grow these potatoes to give customers an option with high anti-oxidants to help them when they’re on a cleanse and need food options. You’ll grow numerous potatoes that people love when you choose Rio Grande russet potatoes, and your harvested crops will look great at your stand.


Many professionals in the culinary field use red potatoes in their dishes since they have great taste and an interesting appearance. Grow red potatoes in your garden for the culinary enthusiasts that want to include them in their next dish.

You can also grow different types of red potatoes, such as red Pontiac and red Norland. Red Pontiacs typically bulk as they grow, creating larger potatoes to cook with but a less uniform size in the harvest. Norland potatoes mature sooner but tend to crack under high heat and become mealy.

Both types of red potatoes are viable options to grow in your garden, and selling them gives customers more options. You’ll also have the chance to show off your knowledge of potatoes when they ask about the difference between the two.


These smooth potatoes are white with numerous health benefits, such as providing high amounts of vitamins A, C, and K. Grow these potatoes for an option at the farmers market that provides an earthy, sweet taste in dishes.

These potatoes taste great when prepared in various ways, including roasted, baled, boiled, or fried. Recommend these potatoes to your customers if they want to make delicious french fries that have a fluffy texture.

Magic Molly

If you want to hold the attention of passersby, consider this potato variety to add a magic touch to your vegetable patch. The mystical purple color makes magic mollies one of the best potato varieties to grow in your garden, and thanks to its high moisture and creamy texture when cooked, customers will enjoy returning to you for seconds. These potatoes yield high amounts each harvest, making them ideal to sell often as a unique treat for buyers who visit your stand.

A variety of potatoes sell well at the farmer’s market, and the above varieties are excellent choices for your garden. Consider growing these varieties and providing paper sacks for potatoes for your customers. You can smile and rest easy at the end of the day knowing each person walked away with delicious spuds to enjoy in their next meal.