Shellfish Packaging

Shellfish need to be handled with care. Our net, mesh, and paper shellfish packaging do just that. No matter which kind you choose, our shellfish bags offer secure and durable packaging, keeping your shellfish catch safe and sound while in-store and during transportation. Storing and carrying shellfish in bulk has never been easier.

Our mesh seafood bags are made from woven polypropylene, providing you with a recyclable and highly durable packaging solution. Breathability is a crucial element to making sure your shellfish catch doesn’t spoil before it gets into the hands of a customer. The plastic mesh of our seafood bags provides the assurance you need that your shellfish will remain fresh. If you’re looking for style and want to add some color to your produce stand, consider the many options for our mesh shellfish bags that come in colors ranging from red to purple. The various colors will catch people’s eye and offer opportunities for organization depending on the type of shellfish. Our seafood bags also come in different sizes, giving you more space to store the larger catches of your maritime bounty. 

Since shellfish is wet after being caught, having a storage option that withstands moisture is an important tool to have in your operations. Our shellfish paper seafood bags feature wet-strength paper, design customizability, and sustainable properties. And our net mesh onion bags offer versatile and well-ventilated packaging, keeping both produce and shellfish fresh as well as a host of other items that benefit from breathable storage. Take your pick of shellfish packaging and handle your fresh catches with care. 

Shellfish Packaging